Monday, July 12, 2010

July 8 - North Carolina or Bust!

Passed the 1,000 mile mark today! We left our VA campsite and followed the GPS which took us on a logging road over the mountains – a ‘shortcut’ James insisted which would cut 10 miles off the trip. We went up and down over roads of dirt and rock. There were plenty of twists and turns. It made for fun driving but was tough on the eyes and neck! Once we arrived at the campground in Spruce Pine, we set up quickly so the kids could go off for a swim and Aidan could do some fishing. Tomorrow we plan to hit Gem Mountain. Abby hopes to find something to put on the ribbon necklace she found in Virginia. Some rain in the evening forced us in to the tent a bit early. It gave the kids time to catch up on their journals. Emmett has been doing a spectacular job on his, even taking time to illustrate his work. Big thunderstorm overnight. The rain was very heavy but thankfully our tent did not leak too badly!

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